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*Application Fee


Student Fee


PreK (AM Only)


PreK Full Day


PreK Extended Day

(7:30am - 5:30pm)













*Application Fee


Student Fee


K - 5th Grade








Jr. High

*Application Fee


Student Fee


6th - 8th Grade








High School

*Application Fee


Student Fee


9th - 12th Grade








Private Satellite

*Application Fee


Student Fee


K - 8th Grade


9th - 12th Grade


Optional Activities

    - HS Class on campus

            - per semester

            - per year


   - HS Sports Fee

            - 1 sport

            - 2 or more sports


   - 6th - 8th PE and/or on campus Elective

     (per period per quarter)




















Extended Care
Available K - 8th Grade

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
End of School Day - 5:30 PM

$6.00 per hour
$5.00 per every 15 minutes past 5:30 PM

Kings Christian School utilizes the FACTS tuition management system for all tuition and incidental payments. There is a $55 per family fee per year that is collected by FACTS management that cannot be included into tuition.

* New families who complete all paperwork by the following deadlines will receive an early enrollment discount. Does not apply to new satellite families.

Friday, March 1, 2024     $500
Friday, May 3, 2024         $250
Friday, July 15, 2024        $100


Please note the incidental charges such as lunches, extended care, school pictures, Spirit Wear, PE uniforms, yearbook, and extracurricular activities including but not limited to field trips, retreats, class elective fees, lab fees, Sadies, and Formal are NOT included in the tuition and fees quoted above. Additionally, current tuition prices are projected and subject to change. 

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Contact Us

Tel: 559 - 924 - 8301

Fax: 559 - 924 - 0607



900 East D Street

Lemoore, CA 93245

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